

Johnny Bunny    Tender 818 - 1958
My First Date    Tender 818 - 1958

Black and White Thunderbird    Unart 2017 - 1959
Ronnie Is My Lover    Unart 2017 - 1959
Almost fifty years later (2007) Disney/Pixar included "Thunderbird" in a CD called "Lightning McQueen's Fast Tracks." It was inspired by the blockbuster movie "Cars" and produced by Disney Records V.P. Fred Mollin and recorded by Britt Savage and Jaime Babbitt.That CD reached the Top 10 on Billboard's "Top Kids Audio Chart."

Meusurry    Unart 2024 - 1959
Ringa Ding    Unart 2024 - 1959
"Meusurry" was inspired by a language created by legendary deejay Murray The K and was used as an opening and closing theme on 1010-WINS Radio show called the "Swingin' Soiree."

Flip, Flip    United Artists 210 - 1960
Your Happiest Years    United Artists 210 - 1960

Too Young To Date    United Artists 228 - 1960
The Kiss    United Artists 228 - 1960

Not Tomorrow    Roulette 4321 - 1961
Little Ship    Roulette 4321 - 1961

Little Boy Of Mine    Roulette 4360 - 1961
Little Boy Of Mine (with the Cleftones)    Roulette 4360 - 1961
Dickie Went And Did It    Roulette 4360 - 1961
This was not a three-sided single! There were actually two different singles of "Little Boy" with the same label. Both have "Dickie" as the flipside. Jeff Barry is the co-writer and also the voice of Dickie!

Strange Love    Roulette 4387 - 1961
I Don't Know Why (I Just Do)    Roulette 4387 - 1961


Journey To Love -- Al Martino
This 1959 record by Al Martino was the first back-up work for the three Delicates.
"We were encouraged by the great Teddy Randazzo to do the session. The song was written by Teddy and arranged by Don Costa. This was a great experience for us."

When The Bells Stop Ringing -- Frankie Sardo
I Know Why And So Do You -- Frankie Sardo
The back-up singing is by the three Delicates.

Sorrow -- Bobby and Billy
"We did this one with a duo who were our United Artists label-mates. In spite of the title and tone of this recording, these guys were very funny and great to be around."

I'll Walk The Line -- Don Costa
While the three Delicates were rehearsing with Don Costa for their next release, Don asked them to clap on his existing musical track of "I'll Walk The Line."
The clappers were the three girls, Denise's Mom and 2 brothers.
"It was a fun "family affair" ... another great memory with the great Don Costa!"

I Put The Bomp -- Frankie Lymon
Denise and Peg were on this session.
Denise:"There are so many great memories about this recording. At the beginning we made mistakes and laughed and Henry Glover decided to leave them in. At the end of the song, to get the effect he wanted during my speaking part, Frankie put his arms around my waist and squeezed me so I could hardly breathe. It was an honor working so closely with this great recording artist."